DRK Women If you want something to withstand the test of time, you must work at it – especially relationships. Friendships and family ties all require dedication and attention to the idiosyncrasies that make them work. The same goes for your commercial real estate clients.

Tip 1: Own Your Relationships

Consider your current client relationships. Are you satisfied with their current status?

Do you understand their needs? Do they understand your objectives? If not, it’s time to take some ownership and step up your game.

Focus your energy on improving the positive relationships you already have. You decide how the rapport will continue to grow. Amie DRK

Tip 2: Talk it Out

As simple as it sounds, communication is key. Consistent communication keeps your clients informed about industry trends and their current endeavors. They rely on you to keep them in the loop, so be generous with updates and feedback to maintain continuing conversations. Maintaining good communication also encourages your clients to defer to your expertise for help.

Tip 3: Be True to Your Word

Trust is like a mirror. It can be fixed if it’s broken, but you can still see the cracks.

Commercial real estate puts your company in line with high-income investors who need a reliable partner to navigate the industry. Your clients will remain loyal when you demonstrate your ability to follow-through with your promises.

Tip 4: Pay Attention to The Old and The New

Hunting for new clients is always a top priority, but don’t forget about those you already have. This is especially true if they’ve been dedicated clients.

Consider new ways to thank your clients for their repeat business and pay attention to their needs. Longevity not only offers continued opportunities, but the chance for new business through referrals.Jennifer and Client

Tip 5: Check Yourself

Take time to step back and evaluate your efforts. Is there room for improvement with certain clients? Decide what you want your relationships with them to be like and ask yourself what you can do to manifest those notions.

To learn more about how DRK & Company works with our clients to build and maintain strong relationships call us at 614-540-2404 or contact us online.

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