A vital but sometimes overlooked aspect of property management are facilities and property maintenance.

Taking a deliberate, thoughtful approach to maintenance is essential to pleasing current tenants and putting your property in the best light to entice future tenants as well. Maintenance is much more manageable when the property manager stays on top of things, addressing issues in a timely manner.

DRK and Company Realty in Westerville, Ohio takes pride in being responsive to your needs in a professional, timely and cost-effective manner. Having our experienced staff handle your facilities and maintenance in Columbus allows you to focus on other aspects of your day-to-day life.

Some of our in-house property maintenance services include:

  • Exterior services/grounds keeping
  • Interior services
  • Light construction
  • On-call/emergency services
  • Preventative maintenance scheduling and services
  • Space turnover and punch
  • Vendor coordination/scheduling
  • HVAC repair

Find out what it’s like to have a professional maintenance staff with Donald R. Kenney & Company Realty. Give us a call at 614-540-2404 or contact us online.


Submitting a property maintenance request

It has been brought to our attention that there is some level of confusion on the proper way to submit a maintenance request. We wanted to take the time to update you and share the overall process. We ask that you send a request in writing to maintenance@drk-realty.com. This email is attended Monday through Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM. If the email is not an emergency, please note the request will likely be attended within 24-48 hours of receipt. The below information must be included to process the request.

  • Business Name
  • Contact Name
  • Phone Number
  • Address
  • Area of concern
  • Permission to access the unit

The emergency number is for EMERGENCIES ONLY after hours at 614-402-1849, please leave the following information on the voice mail: Business Name, Contact Name, Phone Number, Address, and area of concern.

While we appreciate our property managers, they are not typically sitting at their desks. They are out facilitating property items. It is possible when sending them a personal email or calling them, you can get held up in their email. We do not want that to happen to you. We want to assure that you are directed in the proper manner immediately. By putting the maintenance request in writing, this also allows the tracking of the request to take place.

We appreciate your partnership and hope that this helps everyone.

HVAC and Rain Do Not Mix!

Reasons not to go on a roof while it's raining or storming:

  • If the rain is heavy enough, a wet ladder and flat rubber roof are immensely slippery
  • Potential for lightning

Rain tends to limit us at times to the type of diagnosis or repair we can do such as:

  • High and low voltage wiring, which don't mix well with water and can be a danger to the technician
  • Opening panels on a RTU or condenser can allow water inside of a cabinet during the rain, leading to water inside the building's ductwork
  • Allowing water to directly get into a control compartment can damage components of a system, including control boards, motors, and air filters

We look to be your partner - Safely.


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Contact DRK About Commercial Property Maintenance

To find out more about our commercial property management services or to schedule a free consultation email Ted Uritus at turitus@drkmetro.com to set up an appointment.